How to check schedule & results

  1. Search LEAGUE

    Select [Search LEAGUE Name] and enter the name of the LEAGUE you are looking for
    Image with cursor on 'LEAGUE name search
    Select the corresponding LEAGUE from the search results, then the division
    Image emphasizing the league name
    Other ways to search

    You can filter by [Type] and [Area].

    Image with area selection tab open

    You can also do a [TEAM Name Search].

    Image with cursor on 'TEAM name search'

    You can also access LEAGUE info from the [Access History] section.

    Access history screen
  2. Check info about the LEAGUE you searched for

    1. Schedule

      You can check match schedules and results
      Image with cursor on schedule
      When you select a match, you can check the match results and individual results
      Match result scree
    2. Ranking

      You can check the Team Ranking & Player Ranking.
      Image with cursor on ranking